IDPA Moldova - official club
Our club Asociatia de Tir Defensiv din Pistol din Moldova, part of the FNTSA Federation, has been an official club of the international organization IDPA since January 2014 (Club ID: CL403833).
Being an official club and having certified judges in the judiciary, the club has the ability and the right to classify shooters.
In order to pass the classification, you must become a member of the FNTSA Federation and follow the news about upcoming classifications.
Why do I need IDPA classification?
The meaning of the classification is that Athletes compete with approximately equal peers, i.e. depending on the level of training. There are categories: beginner, marksman, sniper, expert and master. The classification is a mini-match of 3 stages, each stage of 24 shots, a total of 72 shots.
For all major official matches, a fresh classification is required for all athletes (it should be passed at least once per year).