01Oct 2022 idpa Toamna de Aur - IDPA Moldova National Cup 2022 Match date : 01.10.2022, Start : 10:00 Stages : 10 Number of shots : 144 Divisions: SSP,ESP,CCP,CO,PPC,BUGCategories: Regular, Lady, Senior, International, Industry, La Register fee : 1200 MDL (~60 EURO) Gun rental : 400 MDL (~20 EURO)Book in advance. Handguns available: Glock 17, Glock 34, CZ 75 SP 01 Shadow, CZ 75 SP 01 Shadow OR, CZ P10C, CZ P10C OR, Grand Power Excalibur Shooting Range: Tir Practica (Coords at Google Maps) 30.09 Pre-match 01.10 Main match Match results Share this article with friends: